
Joyce Elliott: My Letter to Our Mayor, City Directors and City Manager

Post by Ean Lee Bordeaux . Mr. Mayor, Directors and City Manager: At tonight's board meeting, I expect that Director Ken Richardson will make a motion to rescind the vote to allow the placement of a 20-pump convenience store at the old Brandon House site. Further, that motion will likely be attended by a proposal to endorse an objective study to help determine the impact of gas stations/convenience stores on ne ighborhoods all over the city. I am asking for your support of the rescission motion, followed by support of the study--understanding another vote on the gas station may follow. I care deeply about what happens south of I-630. I live there on purpose, on Fair Park, where I am seeing positive changes that I desperately want to see continue throughout the entire neighborhood and the rest of South 630. What we place there matters when it comes to attracting family-friendly businesses to our area. We already have enough other "stuff." I am also well aware
7 protesters arrested overnight in Ferguson The Huffington Post’s Ryan Reilly joins to discuss the overnight events in Ferguson after a curfew ordered by Gov. Jay Nixon went into effect.