
NIA: Inflation Update/China Report

NIA Inflation Update The official CPI based price inflation rate on a year-over-year basis rose again in the month of August to 3.77% compared to 3.63% in July, 3.56% in June, 3.57% in May, 3.16% in April, 2.68% in March, 2.11% in February, 1.63% in January, 1.5% in December, 1.1% in November, and 1.17% in October. From the low in November, year-over-year CPI growth has increased by 243%! Inflation is now spreading beyond food and energy and to the areas the Fed focuses on with core-CPI, which deceptively excludes food and energy. Core-CPI has now risen 10 months in a row and core-CPI is about to break the Fed's unofficial 1.5% to 2% target range, which will hopefully convince the Fed to finally believe there is an inflation crisis, something NIA members knew back when the Fed was still worried about deflation. Core-CPI was up 1.95% in August on a year-over-year basis compared to 1.77% in July and 1.64% in June. Because the BLS likes to round all CPI numbers, co

Upcoming events on Corruption Sucks Blog

Loyal Readers of Corruption Sucks Blog, As you can probably tell by now, Corruption Sucks Blog is HERE TO STAY.  Thank you for all of your brave emails to myself and my limited staff. Emails of support, tips and corrections, that have been helpful and illuminating, even the "hate mail" & complaints.  There have been  numerous requests that we move this blog along to include additional stories of interests regarding public corruption on the behalf of all of our territorial citizenry- THIS is our commitment and charter.  So, with that being said, consider this blog post fair public warning, if nothing else. Corruption Sucks Blog will be examining and investigating the City of Little Rock's Ethics Policy and obtain comment upon it from the "powers' that be", for starters.  We also have many serious concerns within the Little Rock Fire Department, some dealing with the racial tensions that still exist within the fire department to this