
Anonymous reader threatens to shut Corruption Sucks Blog down

Dear  Ean , As I can respect your thought at writings, I hope that nothing previously stated in your blog [w]ould be classified as a defamation of character. That would undermine your ability to tell a story that any one would listen too. Also to put names and address of the people who put they lives on the line for not only your protection but mine as well, is disgusting. Did you consider the thoughtless action of some, may grow to hurt others the families of the people YOU consider unrighteous. I believe your personal agenda has clogged you[r] ability to write a correct article, or consider the consequences of them. And please if you write something source your information because frankly I don't believe you and if you do defile a person with lies I Will be closing your blog down and seeking damages. Thanks rackdaddy _1 p..s. keep up the good work, and drop the b.s. _____________________________________________________ Dear " rackda