
Honor Natalee Holloway: Boycott Aruba

Honor Natalee Holloway: Boycott Aruba Now that police in Peru say Dutchman Joran van der Sloot has confessed to killing a young woman in his hotel room, the father of Natalee Holloway says he should tell everything he knows about the Alabama teen who went missing in Aruba in 2005. ... ARUBA HAS BLOCKED ALL AMERICAN EFFORTS TO BRING OUR COMPATRIOT, NATALEE, HOME- BOYCOTT ARUBA, THEY HAD THEIR CHANCE.

Little Rock Police Defered Pay Raises In January-Solution Around the Corner?

            What Ever Happened With This?   I find it amazing, and yet not surprising, that every time we go into a bad economy essential services  (police & fire) are the first ones to take the hit. It never seems to affect any government bureaucracy  or pet social program - from the execs to the secretaries and support personnel. This is done on  purpose, to increase your angst so you'll accept more government solutions.   And it makes me mad as hell. -Citizen of Little Rock Publisher's note:   I heard that 'ol prez Gilchrist broke the fraternal tradition of "returning"  the symbolic $5,000 payment, by keepin' 'dem duckets.  Not only  did he "break the cycle of humble servitude, a la pro bono, he want's it  increased to $13,000 so he can NOT give that back too.   Way to go there Johnnie boy, hell, If I had to hold-hands with a buncha cryin'  ass police, I would want more money too! Lit

BP accused of 'lack of integrity' by US House speaker

BP accused of 'lack of integrity' by US House speaker   BP is working to contain the spill having failed to plug the leak US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has accused BP of a "lack of integrity" when making its case for deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. US President Barack Obama has met relatives of the 11 workers killed in the explosion on the BP oil platform in the Gulf. BP shares in the UK have fallen to their lowest level since 1997 amid fears of huge US penalties. The US attorney general said America would "not pay a dime" for cleaning up. BP would be held responsible for all damages, Eric Holder said. In another development, the Obama administration said BP had agreed to quickly meet the compensation claims of businesses and individuals whose livelihoods had been disrupted by the spill. Amid concerns in the UK over what some have described as growing anti-British

Van Der Sloot's Attorney Resigns

Posted: 5:04 AM Jun 15, 2010 Van Der Sloot's Attorney Resigns  Peruvian attorney has resigned from defending the murder suspect Joran Van Der Sloot.   Maximo Altez Navarro says he didn't want to be Van Der Sloot's attorney anymore due to the problems the case has created for him. Prison authorities say Van Der Sloot was transferred to Peru's Castro Castro Prison yesterday awaiting a psychological evaluation. New transcripts from Peruvian authorities reveal Van Der Sloot elbowed victim Stephany Flores in the face before strangling then suffocating her with his own shirt.

Police: They’re Just Doing Their Jobs

    Posted on 10 June 2010 by Adam Mueller All to often I hear a supporter of police or an actual cop say, “I’m just doing my job.”  Well for the past week I’ve been in Keene, NH along with Pete and Dr. Q , both are Cop Block contributors,  and while out in the beautiful downtown area have taken some video of the Keene Police.   After reviewing the footage we captured I decided to make this short video about Cops doing their jobs.  As seen in the video above we’ve captured footage of cops wasting tax dollars, generating revenue with victimless crimes and threatening business owners for rowdy customers.  In a weeks time I didn’t witness or hear one person state they needed, liked or asked the police to show up.  Not once?  In two of the three covered police encounters people actually thanked us for filming or shouted back at the police.   You can’t help but wonder, why?  Why are these cops, or gang members, allowed to take our money?  When I,