

Genuine "Officer's Discretion"

Publisher's note:  A GENUINE "OFFICER'S DISCRETION": a couple of weeks ago I witnessed one of the good Little Rock River Market cops exercise true "officer's discretion" (as opposed to the preferential treatment of Traffic Judge Fleming during a recent head-on collision). I certainly would've given that young lady a DWI just for attempting to drive drunk. This cop made sure that the drunk's car was in park and cal led her father (a local preacher). Dad picked her up, brother drove the car and everyone got an earful for about ten minutes prior to their respective departures. That was true officer's discretion at play, so let's not dilute a "good" thing with Good 'Ol Boy bullcrap that amounts to nothing but blatant cronyism LRPD, indeed. Proper use of discretion is probably the most important measure of a police officer or department. A police officer working the street would be like a dog chasing its tail if that

Court upholds Arkansas cop’s firing for drunken use of racial slur on camera

Court upholds Arkansas cop’s firing for drunken use of racial slur on camera (via Raw Story ) An Arkansas appeals court ruled Friday that Little Rock police officer David Edgmon’s firing was justified after the officer drunkenly used the racial slur “jigaboo” in a video. According to Courthouse News Daily, Edgmon had violated three major…