
Developing News: UN just approved strict sanctions against Iran.

Breaking News: UN just approved new stricter rounds of sanctions against nuclear ambitious Iran. CORRUPTION SUCKS BLOG   www.corruptionsucks.blogspot.c om  Live Coverage ONLINE: UNITED NATIONS, June 9 -- A divided U.N. Security Council on Wednesday imposed a fourth round of financial and commercial sanctions on Iran's military establishment, bringing to a close more than six months of diplomatic efforts by the Obama administration to penalize Tehran for building a covert nuclear facility and accelerating its enrichment of uranium. The 15-member council adopted its fourth sanctions resolution on Iran in four years by a vote of 12-2. Brazil and Turkey voted against the resolution, citing concerns that the council had not exhausted diplomatic efforts to resolve its standoff with Iran. Lebanon abstained. The Obama administration succeeded in securing support for sanctions from the council's major powers, inc

Activist Buys Police Department's Web Domain

Brian McCrary just bought a website to complain about a $90 speeding ticket he received from the Bluff City PD — the Bluff City Police Department site. The department let its domain expire and McCrary was quick to pick it up . From the article: "Brian McCrary found the perfect venue to gripe about a $90 speeding ticket when he went to the Bluff City Police Department's website, saw that its domain name was about to expire, and bought it right out from under the city's nose. Now that McCrary is the proud owner of the site, , the Gray, Tenn., computer network designer has been using it to post links about speed cameras — like the one on U.S. Highway 11E that caught him — and how people don't like them."