
Music Video Response to Corruption In The Antebellum States A.K.A. Jim Crow South

This might get me killed but I feel like standing up for something that's worth dying for. I'll speak for those who are too scared or too uneducated to address public corruption... I usually don't make political tracks but it seems like ever since Obama won,  state government has gone crazy in the red states.Gov of Texas wants to make their own country (probably so they can legalize slavery). Arizona wants to pull over anyone who looks Mexican and Arkansas' Local Police force is out of control! I haven't seen a video on the net yet where a cop knew he was on camera and still uses a racial slur. WE NEED TO STAND UP!! D.EZ

Robbie Wills plays the God-guns-abortion card in a mailer attacking Joyce Elliott

via Arkansas Times: 2nd Dist. Dem runoff: Robbie Wills plays the God-guns-abortion card in a mailer attacking Joyce Elliott. Our readers don't like it a bit .     Neither do I . It's posted on this syndicated site : Wills Campaign Gets Ugly Against Joyce Elliott May 29th, 2010 By jsamuel : Blue Arkansas Blog A reader sent us a mailer sent out by the Robbie Wills campaign attempting to slime Joyce Elliott. Essentially, it attacks her for having the gull to support a woman’s right to choose, restricting gun rights, outlawing prayer in schools, and being ineffective in office. Let’s look at each of these issues and the support provided by the mailer… How could any self respecting Democrat be pro-choice?! (*sarcasm*)  On gun rights, the Wills campaign cites no votes and provides no support for the accusation besides the NRA. Look, I am pro-2nd amendment, but I really don’t l