
Robbie Wills plays the God-guns-abortion card in a mailer attacking Joyce Elliott

via Arkansas Times: 2nd Dist. Dem runoff: Robbie Wills plays the God-guns-abortion card in a mailer attacking Joyce Elliott. Our readers don't like it a bit .     Neither do I . It's posted on this syndicated site : Wills Campaign Gets Ugly Against Joyce Elliott May 29th, 2010 By jsamuel : Blue Arkansas Blog A reader sent us a mailer sent out by the Robbie Wills campaign attempting to slime Joyce Elliott. Essentially, it attacks her for having the gull to support a woman’s right to choose, restricting gun rights, outlawing prayer in schools, and being ineffective in office. Let’s look at each of these issues and the support provided by the mailer… How could any self respecting Democrat be pro-choice?! (*sarcasm*)  On gun rights, the Wills campaign cites no votes and provides no support for the accusation besides the NRA. Look, I am pro-2nd amendment, but I really don’t l

Consequences of the decision

Facts The decision itself involved five consolidated cases coming from different lower courts in which African-Americans had sued theaters, hotels and transit companies that had refused them admittance or excluded them from "white only" facilities. [ edit ] Decision of the Court The Court, in a decision by Justice  Joseph P. Bradley , held that the language of the  14th Amendment , which prohibited denial of equal protection by a state, did not give Congress power to regulate these private acts. The Court also acknowledged that the  13th Amendment  does apply to private actors, but only to the extent that it prohibits people from owning slaves, not exhibiting discriminatory behavior. The Court said that "it would be running the slavery argument into the ground to make it apply to every act of discrimination which a person may see fit to make as to guests he will entertain, or as to the people he will take into his coach or cab or car; or admit to his con

Paint guns, slingshots and marbles: Civilians Killed On Gaza Aid Flotilla

Israeli commandos storm aid flotilla; 9 killed By AMY TEIBEL and TIA GOLDENBERG, Associated Press Writers     JERUSALEM – Israeli naval commandos stormed a flotilla of ships carrying aid and hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists to the blockaded  Gaza Strip  on Monday, killing nine passengers in a botched raid that provoked international outrage and a diplomatic crisis. Dozens of activists and six Israeli soldiers were wounded in the bloody predawn confrontation in  international waters . The violent takeover dealt yet another blow to Israel's international image, already tarnished by war crimes accusations in  Gaza  and its 3-year-old blockade of the impoverished Palestinian territory. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanhayu  canceled a much-anticipated meeting with  President Barack Obama  in Washington on Tuesday in a sign of just how