
Another judgment filed against the LRPD Police Chief, forcing his hand to pay

Another judgment filed against the LRPD Police Chief This deadbeat is an embarrassment to the city Little Rock and needs to be fired.

Little Rock Mayor "Feckless" Frank Scott’s brother arrested on felony charges

31-year-old Darrell Scott, brother of Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott, was arrested Monday on two felony counts after stealing a vehicle with two juvenile’s inside of the vehicle. According to an arrest report from the Little Rock Police Department Scott was arrested on two counts of kidnapping, and one count of theft of property, both Class B felonies. Scott was apprehended at McCain Mall in North Little Rock by the North Little Rock Police Department. According to the arrest report Scott will have a court appearance on July 13.

Nashville Lawyer Mark Kovach leaves multiple racist mesgs

Racist Nashville Lawyer Mark Kovach leaves multiple racist messages on person of color's phone # KlanWatch This blatant flaming racist attorney, Mark Kovach, of Nashville, TN makes his money defending minorities. This is just a short clip of a racist-filled diatribe of multiple messages left upon a person of color's message service. Attorney Mark Kovach 901 Woodland Street Nashville, Tennessee 37206 (813) 310-1968