
CAPTURED-MURDER: Kenneth Ray McFadden

WANTED: Mr. McFadden is the suspect in the Homicide that occurred at 9200 Tedburn Circle, Little Rock, AR, 72209 on 11/30/2011. He currently has one (1) active warrant out of this department for Murder in the First Degree. He may be armed and dangerous. Anyone with info should contact LRPD Homicide Detectives at 371-4626. <a href="" > <img src="" border=0 alt=" Free Web Stats!">Web Stats</a>

NIA Agriculture Update

On October 30th, 2009, NIA released an article 'U.S. Inflation to Appear Next in Food and Agriculture' in which we said, "A massive rise in agriculture prices is just around the corner." Since then, as a result of the Federal Reserve's money printing, agricultural commodities made their largest ever short-term gain. After dipping from their 2011 highs, we believe agricultural commodities are likely to soon resume their rally as the Fed prepares QE3. From their lows in 2010, we look for agricultural commodities to make the same percentage gains seen from their lows to highs in the 1970s by the year 2015, at the latest. We look for agricultural commodities to reach their 1970s highs adjusted for the real rate of price inflation by year 2020. Here are the percentage gains that agricultural commodities made from their lows in 2010 to their highs in 2011: Cotton +241%, Sugar +164%, Corn +146%, Coffee +142%, Wheat +110%, Orange Juice +63%, Soybeans +57

LOOKUP: Registered Sex Offenders in Arkansas

The information that is displayed on this site derives from official public records. It is possible that information displayed here does not reflect current residence or other information. Users are forewarned that it is incumbent upon them to verify information with the responsible state agency or the local law enforcement agency. Information displayed on this site provides no representation as to any offender's possibility of future crimes. Persons who use information contained on this website to threaten, intimidate, or harass any individual, including registrants or family members may be subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability under state of federal law. Each state has its own information collection policy. Review individual state conditions before use. Note that not all criminal offenses require registration with the state police, only those covered by the statutes. Note that other people that are not sex offenders can share the same name. THE INFORMATION PR