A former police officer died while trying to set ablaze a food cart belonging to a blogger who exposed crooked cops and other corrupt city officials. ArkansasMatters.com reported Friday that former Little Rock Police Officer Todd Payne died when blogger…
NLRPD OFFICER TOMMY "FUCKBOY" NORMAN EXPOSED AS A FRAUD EXPLOITING THE BLACK COMMUNITY MORE TO COME, STAY TUNED... Life Event for Fuckboy Norman... Fuckboy Norman does NOT love Black Folks, he just LOVES fetishizing Black Women. The YOUNGER, the better for a groomer like Fuckboy Norman, indeed... If Fuckboy Norman only cared about his OWN kids as much as the Black women's children he was preying on. https://www.facebook.com/russ.racop/posts/1601486969988088 https://www.facebook.com/el.bordeaux.3/posts/395819601277341 Fuckboy Norman even has the fucking nerve to con y'all into paying for his own wedding... https://www.facebook.com/el.bordeaux.3/posts/395966517929316 Anyone with half a mind can see that this pervert fuckboy is suss asf and not the sorta' dude you want around your underaged Black daughter... 27 Hilarious Ways To Explain Exactly What A ‘Fuckboy’ Is https://www.facebook.com/russ.racop/p...
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