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Nathaniel Gordon Theft of Tip Jar at Starbucks on Broadway ARRESTED

Nathaniel Gordon Theft of Tip Jar at Starbucks on Broadway ARRESTED

by Ean Lee Bordeaux on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 at 9:03am
Nathaniel Gordon W/M
               1201 River Road, L.R. AR
Bond: $10,000. Suspect bonded out same day.

On July 13, 2011, Officers responded to a theft just occurred from Starbucks located at 917 Broadway Street, Little Rock, Ar.  Officers made contact with an employee who stated that while working the drive thru window, she observed a white male with a bald head, and black square framed glasses pull up to the drive thru window in a black Range Rover with Arkansas tag 96KH and grabbed the tip jar containing approximately $40.00 from the drive thru window and left southbound on Broadway. 

On July 15th, 2011, Nathaniel Gordon came to 700 WestMarkham and stated he wanted to turn himself in for stealing the tip jar from Starbucks.  Mr. Gordon said he went through the Starbucks drive thru to get a coffee and saw the tip jar sitting there.  Mr. Gordon said he grabbed the tip jar and then drove off.  Mr. Gordon said there was approximately $20.00 in the jar. Mr. Gordon said he read in the paper about the theft and that the vehicle he used was registered to his father.  Mr. Gordon said he didn’t want his father to get in trouble for something he did, so he turned himself in.
A warrant was issued on July 15th, 2011, for Nathaniel Gordon for theft of property. Mr. Gordon was served the warrant and transported to the Pulaski County Jail. 

Lt.Terry Hastings
Little Rock Police Department


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