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NEW VIDEO: Willy D's manager Carla Cox arrested on battery charges-JAILED


BREAKING NEWS (updated 8:00am CST Wednesday, July 20, 2011)

Willy D's Mgr. Carla Cox & dirty
River Market cop hubby Wayne

This wanna' be River Market Czar & mgr of Willy D's Piano Bar, goes to court today 9am Markham, to answer for her violent transgressions. She is an enemy of the Creole Indian people and deserves all consequences. Wonder how she keeps a job after this.

WANNA-BE River Market Czar & manager of a Cheesy Piano Bar called Willy D's was arrested at her Little Rock River Market club very early sat. morning, even though  the cops, who were instructed 2 hours or so earlier at around 12:30 to arrest Carla Cox, showed preferential treatment for their cop friends wife, as usual. 

The LRPD was sure to sneak her criminal ass out in the dead of night under clandestine cover and escort.  The LRPD claims that they brought Carla Cox into the Northside Intake jail house in North Little Rock, under "standard procedures".  

Corruption Sucks Blog will obtain copies of the arrest log and camera footage.  Dutifully  we intend to verify claims of "standard procedures" from data collected. We shall then publish our work for you to decide for yourself, if there are two forms of justice in Little Rock.  One for "them", the other, for the rest of us.

E Pluribus Unum

According to a Little Rock Police Department Incident Report, Carla Cox, AGE 47, manager of a Cheesy Piano Bar Willy D's, located in Little Rock, Arkansas' River Market District, is accused of battery in the third degree. 

How this specific criminal charge was figured out without a proper investigation by the LRPD is quite beyond me.

This incident occurred on Sunday 2-6-2011 at about 1am. This is  how it went down according to the investigation-less report:

"Victim states she entered Willy D's to get a friend so they could leave and was being followed by suspect (Cox).  As she started downstairs, suspect (Carla Cox) began cursing at her about why she was there and told her that she needed to leave.  Suspect did not identify herself as an employee of the business to victim but steadily cursed and harassed her.  

Victim started up the stairs to leave when suspect (Carla Cox) pulled her into a corner and yanked her head back by her hair.  Victim then swung her arm back  to get suspect to release her hair.  Suspect then grabbed victim and delivered approximately, 3 punches with a closed fist to the right cheek and eye of victim.  

Someone, possibly a bouncer, pulled suspect off of victim and victim then left.  Victim was in the River Market kiosk reporting the incident and I (Sgt. Snook) observed large strands of hair falling from the back of her head and her eye was red and almost swollen shut. Victim was advised to seek warrants."

Corruption Sucks blog interviewed the victim. "I sensed that there was something wrong with her [Carla Cox] so I started investigating...I have every intention of not letting this go."

In her interview with Corruption Sucks Blog, she made it clear to us that she understands that her first problem was the way in which the criminal assault & battery was investigated or better yet, not investigated.  She was told that there was nothing that they could do, because it was a so-called misdemeanor.  "I'm not a lawyer, but I know that in a domestic violence case, if there are injuries, that matter has to be investigated, and somebody's going to jail."

Star-crossed racketeers LRPD officer Wayne Cox
& Willy D's Mgr. Carla Farquhar-Cox
When Corruption Sucks Blog asked if she thought that the fact that the suspect, Carla Farquhar-Cox is married to a LRPD mounted patrolman, had anything to do with the lack of an investigation on her criminal complaint against a Willy D's manager in the River Market, she indicated that she would not be surprised, "I was warned that Carla deals with some real dirty folks.".

We agree with you.  In fact, we are in such agreement with the victim, that Corruption Sucks Blog is going to assist  her with her Little Rock Police Dept. Internal Affairs complaint. That's right folks, the American Creole Indian Aid Commission is taking a special interest in this case and we are NOT going to let them "look the other way." 

As of Tuesday, February 08, 2011 the victim in this case has filed a complaint in the Little Rock Police Department Internal Affairs Division & charges with the prosecutors office.  

She is currently awaiting affidavit and criminal arrest warrant.

Boy, we have a lot to say about this story.  

Since this a Corruption Sucks Blog scoop, we'll give the rest of the media an opportunity to catch up, if they like.  Check in often.

E Pluribus Unum


  1. According to yesterday's Dem-Gaz, Wayne Cox and Carla Farquhar have filed for divorce.

  2. Divorced or not, these two racketeering criminals are married to their mutual RICO crimes, till death do they part. We will still treat this River Market Axis of Evil as one criminal unit, along with the rest of their exposed corrupt criminal buddies in government and otherwise.

  3. she was arrested last night!!

  4. IT was arrested last night.

  5. I was wondering what your business license is listed under as I was unable to find anything under Willy Dog USA on the AR. Secretary of State's website???

  6. Dear Anonymous,

    You have obviously work for the government your whole life. Any average self-employed business person knows that the STATE does not issue "business licenses". They do issue "HEALTH" licenses. They are not listed online, you will have to call on monday, to plot your revenge.

    Willy Dog USA is the sole proprietorship of the American Creole Indian Nation.

    May I suggest that you spend less time sucking on that tax paid government check nipple and properly educate yourself when plotting your retaliations. It's also quite humorous that you are depending upon us to help your uninformed self, as to how to retaliate against our tribe.

    So goes war, watch your ass out there. We do anonymous.

  7. actually, I do not work for the government, I work in the private sector and always have. However thank you for answering my question despite your hateful attitude regarding a simple question.

  8. Dear ANONYMOUS,
    Private sector, government, whatever, obviously you don't run a business.

    As to "hateful", you are indeed entitled to your opinion.

    As to ANONYMOUS comments on a social justice blog, versus using email as noted in the comment window that you are quite familiar with, to get a "question asked"- bullshit.

    E Pluribus Unum


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