Publisher's note: This is a reprint of a year long investigation conducted by the Arkansas Department of Education, regarding allegations of discrimination against ethnic Creole Indians within the Pulaski County Special School District aka PCSSD. These allegations involved discrimination by both so-called blacks and whites against Arkansas' ethnic American Creole Indians. Descendants of those that pre-date USA acquisition of 1803 Louisiana Purchase Treaty territories & hold the federal government to their 1803 Treaty commitments, especially after cutting up Creole Land to satisfy the embarrassing end of The War of 1812 The documented allegations include heinous acts committed against American Creole Indian Children encompassing their fellow classmates, Fuller Middle School Academics, school district members like the bigot Mildred Tatum & the Jim Crow controlled Pulaski County Sheriff's Office (proof available upon request). Why are we bringing this up ...
Anti-Corruption Blog of the Ancient Creole Houma-Choctaw People | Member of Snarky Media Group