I find it
amazing, and yet not surprising, that every time we go into a bad
economy essential services
(police & fire) are the first ones to
take the hit. It never seems to affect any government bureaucracy
or pet
social program - from the execs to the secretaries and support
personnel. This is done on
purpose, to increase your angst so you'll
accept more government solutions.
And it makes me mad as hell. -Citizen of Little Rock
Publisher's note:
I heard that 'ol prez Gilchrist broke the fraternal tradition of "returning"
the symbolic $5,000 payment, by keepin' 'dem duckets. Not only
did he "break the cycle of humble servitude, a la pro bono, he want's it
increased to $13,000 so he can NOT give that back too.
Way to go there Johnnie boy, hell, If I had to hold-hands with a buncha cryin'
ass police, I would want more money too!Little Rock Police Defer Pay Raises
posted 10:09 pm Fri January 01, 2010 - Little Rock
reporter: Roger Susanin posted by: Evan Hoffmeyer
from Channel 7 - http://www.katv.com/news/stories/0110/692146.html
The Little Rock Fraternal Order of Police is deferring their contract-guaranteed 4% raise.
After the difficulty Little Rock officials had passing their 2010 budget, the officer union's
executive board voted 4-1 Thursday night to delay their cost of living increase until July.
Lodge #17 President John Gilchrist says his officers are willing to make sacrifices during
troubled times. Now he hopes the city will make a good-faith effort to negotiate until an
agreement satisfying to all sides is reached.
(John Gilchrist, President, LRPD Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #17)
"Obviously, as police officers, we are trained to negotiate before we go into
an escalating situation. This is just another one of those instances....The members
of this organization have shown why they are called Little Rock's finest."
Gilchrist says the move is part sacrifice, part logic. City Manager Bruce Moore first asked
the union to give up their raise in October 2009. Gilchrist says that would have been
(John Gilchrist, President, LRPD Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #17)
"We feel we have a binding contract with the City of Little Rock. It was violated,
or would have been violated had we not come to this conclusion."
Gilchrist says by deferring the raise, officers are helping the city save money, and
giving city officials time to hammer out an agreement with the union.
(John Gilchrist, President, LRPD Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #17)
"We're gonna have to think outside of the box. We're gonna have to think
of possible alternatives in order to find an equitable solution."
Gilchrist says if no agreement is reached, the union may sue the city for breach of contract...
Publisher's Note: A SUGGESTION: Good 'Ol Fashioned Picket The Old Fogies @ Their Next City Of Little Rock Board Meeting! Hell, it works for us Creoles, 'cus they sho' be hatin' to see a bunch of us mixed-blooded Indians marching in dat meetin' with a bunch of signs in our disenchanted hands singing freedom songs! You know, with picket signs that read: GIVETH'S US FREE!! -Amistad 1997(the movie) The film's protagonist, Sengbe Pieh, most known by his Spanish name, "Cinqué.
OR: Pa gen jistis, pa gen lapè:
NLRPD OFFICER TOMMY "FUCKBOY" NORMAN EXPOSED AS A FRAUD EXPLOITING THE BLACK COMMUNITY MORE TO COME, STAY TUNED... Life Event for Fuckboy Norman... Fuckboy Norman does NOT love Black Folks, he just LOVES fetishizing Black Women. The YOUNGER, the better for a groomer like Fuckboy Norman, indeed... If Fuckboy Norman only cared about his OWN kids as much as the Black women's children he was preying on. https://www.facebook.com/russ.racop/posts/1601486969988088 https://www.facebook.com/el.bordeaux.3/posts/395819601277341 Fuckboy Norman even has the fucking nerve to con y'all into paying for his own wedding... https://www.facebook.com/el.bordeaux.3/posts/395966517929316 Anyone with half a mind can see that this pervert fuckboy is suss asf and not the sorta' dude you want around your underaged Black daughter... 27 Hilarious Ways To Explain Exactly What A ‘Fuckboy’ Is https://www.facebook.com/russ.racop/p...
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