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Showing posts from November, 2015

LRPD Chief Reprimanded After Losing Department Gun

LRPD Chief Reprimanded After Losing Department Gun-FOUND READ ABOUT:   Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner ...and only the lawd and the criminal(s) that stole it know where it is now OR what crimes are being committed with it... RE LITTLE ROCK POLICE SHENANIGANS: from: Ean Lee Bordeaux to: "Davis, Cassandra" cc: date: Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 6:01 PM subject: Re: FOI Request #670 Where is the detective interview with Chief Buckner? It is missing. On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 5:49 PM, Davis, Cassandra wrote: Mr. Bordeaux, I have consulted with property and robbery investigators who have confirmed that you have been supplied with all releasable documents associated with the theft of Chief Buckner's' weapon. No other files or statements exist. READ ABOUT:   Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner from: Ean Lee Bordeaux to: "Davis, Cassandra" , "Moore, Bruce"...


CORRUPTION ABOUNDS? LR MAYOR DEMANDS MORE STAFF Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola READ ABOUT:   Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner Publisher's note: Our esteemed Little Rock City Mayor oddly declares that his workload is so mountainous in our mid-sized southern-fried city.  A bloated city that suffers the corrupt redundancy of a hybridized system of city manager, asst. manager, board AND mayor/asst mayor.  The layers surely abound. Not a sound indication of prudent city management. Yep, we really need another layer of taxpayer-paid corrupt crony bureaucracy, indeed.  If you can, please take a little bit of your time to read the two currently spotlighted perspectives of this issue upon  Corruption Sucks Blog and draw your own informed conclusions.  One viewpoint is from Max Brantley of the Arkansas Times, he points out that, " The mayor currently has an administrative assistant who, as of March, w...

2 Little Rock Cops to Stand Civil Trial over Man's Killing

2 Little Rock Cops to Stand Civil Trial over Man's Killing  Eugene Ellison: Little Rock's Michael Brown READ ABOUT:   Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner DONNA LESHER Appeals Court Orders 2 LR Police Officers to Stand Trial in Civil Lawsuit over Man's Killing Ellison v. Lesher, No. 13-3371 (8th Cir. 2015) DISCLOSURE: The lawyer representing this case has requested that I consider being deposed as a witness to the pattern and practices of various predicate acts of the Little Rock Police Department, such as use of excessive force. I have agreed to make all of my resources available to this Mr. Ellison's family. May the Justice Dept.see fit to finally afford them justice, indeed.   Chief Elder Ean Lee Bordeaux- War Chief, Creole Houma-Choctaw People READ ABOUT:   Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner TABITHA MCGRILLIS Eugene Ellison: Little Rock's Michael Brown Justia Opinio...

CORRUPTION: Little Rock Citizen Accuses City Manager/Mayor

Publisher's Note: Luke Skrable is facing criminal charges brought by the City Manager of Little Rock. He is accused of alleged terroristic threatening in the course of dispelling information of what he states is blatant criminal corruption amongst his accusers and they are prosecuting him out of retaliation and to cover-up the wrongs that he has exposed. These are his words after the Arkansas Times article:  READ ABOUT:   Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner Getting the grease?  City hall critic cries retaliation. Luke Skrable By  David Koon  and  Max Brantley   @ArkansasBlog Luke Skrable, the Southwest Little Rock code enforcement gadfly whose crusade to clean up his neighborhood was featured in the March 17 issue of the Arkansas Times, claims that he is living proof that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Or, in Skrable’s case, the tickets. Almost simultaneous w...