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LRPD Chief Reprimanded After Losing Department Gun

LRPD Chief Reprimanded After Losing Department Gun-FOUND


...and only the lawd and the criminal(s) that stole it know where it is now OR what crimes are being committed with it...

from: Ean Lee Bordeaux
to: "Davis, Cassandra"
date: Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 6:01 PM
subject: Re: FOI Request #670
Where is the detective interview with Chief Buckner? It is missing.

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 5:49 PM, Davis, Cassandra wrote:
Mr. Bordeaux,
I have consulted with property and robbery investigators who have confirmed that you have been supplied with all releasable documents associated with the theft of Chief Buckner's' weapon. No other files or statements exist.
from: Ean Lee Bordeaux
to: "Davis, Cassandra" ,
"Moore, Bruce" ,
"Carpenter, Tom" ,
Mayor ,
"Junkins, Rebecca"
cc: "" ,,
date: Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 6:15 PM
subject: Re: FOI Request #670
FOI: Please indicate which documents have been deemed NOT releasable and cite the reason why. Additionally explain why there is no detective interview transcript with Chief Buckner regarding the missing weapon. This is most unusual. I have been in several interviews as a victim/witness with you people and my words were always transcribed.
Why is this occasion any different?
You know, questions like, "WHERE and WHEN was the last time you saw your weapon Mr. Buckner?"
"Who else in your home had access to your weapon Mr. Buckner?"
The public has a right to know. That weapon was recovered in the hands of criminals.
We have every right to know what the Chief has to say about how it made it from his gated community home to the dirty and dangerous streets of Little Rock.
YOUR chief has personally contributed to the danger in the city where I work.
I work in the streets.
YOUR chief is responsible for yet another weapon making it into the streets and if you think that you all are going to make this go away by your terse and nondescript answers, well, obviously you haven't caught on yet.
Please consider these questions on the record as this whole sorry affair of obfuscation and damage control, as it stands, will be published in all of it's obvious glory upon Corruption Sucks Blog this week.
I am directing this request to Sgt. Junkins as Ms. Davis' auto-message just went from out of the office "today" to out of the office "this week". Please respond immediately upon receipt as this patron's FOI request does not require records currently in use.

READ ABOUT: Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner
One of the people in YOUR fucking house took that gun you damn criminal. 

Who wants a police chief that "accidentally" throws his gun into the trash? 

What a fucking liar, if you believe this shit, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona for your dumb ass. 

SO, your "trashed" gun ends up in the commission of a crime and that's your fucking excuse, it was accidentally thrown away?! 

Were they going through your fucking trash or something? When I throw shit away, it always ends up at the city dump. Not into the hands of drug dealing criminals. You are covering for somebody you lying corrupt piece of shit. We ain't gonna' let this go. 

This is what happens when you bring rattlesnakes into the den. They have a brood of snakes, vipers of the worse kind, indeed.


Yeah Little Rock believe this lying dirty Top Cop if you want to. This can only get worse.

READ ABOUT: Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner

ARk Times: Officers with the Little Rock Police Department have recovered a handgun belonging to LRPD Chief Kenton Buckner that reportedly went missing while Buckner was moving earlier this year

KTHV reports that just after 5 p.m. on Wednesday, officers responded to a call about a suspicious vehicle in the 2000 block of South Shackleford Road. After approaching the vehicle, officers found two men, Edward Williams and Nathaniel Sullivan inside. Police said the driver had a handgun in his lap at the time of his arrest. A search of the car allegedly uncovered another handgun, narcotics and scales. 

Police said both the handguns in the car were stolen, with the serial number on one eventually identifying it as the Glock pistol Buckner had reported missing on June 8. Buckner said that he'd noticed the pistol was gone following a move to a new home over the Memorial Day weekend. 

Both Williams and Sullivan were charged with Theft by Receiving, Possession of a Firearm, Possession of a Controlled Substance and Possession of an Instrument of a Crime. 

Buckner was disciplined by city director Bruce Moore for the loss of the handgun, which had been his backup sidearm. He reimbursed the city for the cost of the pistol. During an interview with the Arkansas Times conducted in July, Buckner said he believed the weapon was thrown out with the trash during the move, saying: 

At no time, and still to this day, do I believe someone stole the weapon. There are a lot of good people that helped me move, all professionals. But I had to kind of mention that, because if you don't know where it is then you can't truly say what happened with the weapon. If I had to be pushed with my back against the wall and say what do you think happened with it, I would say that it was in something that was maybe thrown out, and I was unaware that it was in there.
Kenton Tremar "Barney Fife" Buckner loses his gun
READ ABOUT: Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner
With the recovery of the handgun, it appears Buckner may have been wrong about it being stolen. We have an inquiry in to the Chief seeking more information, and will report as it becomes available.UPDATE: We received an email from Buckner regarding the recovery of the pistol: 

I was glad to see the weapon recovered. It is hit or miss with stolen property. Rarely are you lucky enough to recover your property.

I have no connection to the men arrested for possession of the weapon. They were not part of any of the workers that I witnessed in my home during my move. I highly doubt we will ever know how they gained possession of the weapon.

They were arrested without incident and [there is] no evidence the weapon was used in a crime.
READ ABOUT: Little Rock's Newest Corrupt Police Chief Kenton Buckner
LITTLE ROCK, AR -- Little Rock Police Chief Kenton Buckner says he was issued a written reprimand by the city manager after losing his station-issued handgun. 

Buckner says he realized the gun was missing over Memorial Day weekend when he was moving from an apartment where he was living to a home he had bought. 

The chief says he doesn't know whether the gun was stolen or misplaced but pointed out there were several movers, cable company workers and other strangers in his house during the move. 

During an interview Wednesday, Buckner called it a "regrettable moment."

Buckner says the gun was valued at about $460 -- money the chief says he repaid the department. 

Buckner described the gun as a "back-up" weapon that he usually kept "close-by."


  1. He is a crooked bastard.Chalk mouth Nigger,Glad hes not in Louisville anymore PIG !!!

  2. Chalk mouth corrupt Pig......Louisville knows the truth

  3. Well, Little Rock don't plan on having him as our problem for much longer, the community is organizing against him and those that support him. This corrupt uncle tom piece of shit dirty cop has gotta go NOW before he creates an even worse situation here. People here ain't gonna fucking have it.


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