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Tribute Page- James Foley (1973-2014)

James Foley

James Foley

James’ mother describes him as an “extraordinary son.” To us, he was an extraordinary journalist, who abhorred violence and  was motivated by the desire to highlight the plight of the victims of war. As an internationally renowned journalist, James’ work took him to Libya and Syria. While being held captive by the Islamic State, he remained impassive in the face of threats, clinging to the hope that he would eventually return home. Courageous and composed, he communicated his hope to his fellow prisoners.

Reporters Without Borders extends its sincere condolences to his family, especially his mother, who came to our headquarters in Paris. As an organization, we had known James ever since he raised funds with other photo journalists and the assistance of Reporters Without Borders to support the education of the three children of his friend Anton Hammerl, killed in Libya in April 2011.

In memory of James Foley, Reporters Without Borders undertakes to wage an unrelenting battle for the safety of all those who, like him, expose the horrors of war. The sickening execution of James has shocked not only our community of journalists, but also the entire world. We are creating this tribute page today so that his fellow reporters, other members of the media community and all citizens who are concerned about freedom may leave messages expressing their feelings and leave notes of condolences. We shall keep alive the spirit of this talented and committed journalist, James Foley (1973–2014).

  • Eija Niskanen 14 h 23 min on 24 August 2014

    In this age of superficial media, we need people like James Foley, dedicated to tell the truth to the world.
  • Neven 13 h 38 min on 24 August 2014

    My deepest sadness and my condolesence to J Foly’s family and all his friends.He faced death to lead in the exercise of freedom of expression to serve the public.May his soul rest in peace.
  • Amanda 12 h 34 min on 24 August 2014

    My deepest sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of James Foley!
    We will remember James Foley as a gifted journalist who was compassionate and brave.
    He gave his life trying to expose the suffering of the Syrian people, documenting the ongoing civil war, even though he knew about the danger of journalism in war zones.
    He was a true hero, may his memory be a blessing!
    My sadness cannot be expressed in words, I can´t imagine what you must be going through right now. I hope you will find the strength, support and courage to go on, my thoughts are with you all the time!
    “Yet, the lessons of kindness and love you taught me,
    And the good things in life you’ve helped me to see;
    Linger as lasting gifts that comfort and will sustain,
    Until I journey to that peaceful shore and see you again.”
    (Belinda Stotler)
  • Mohamed 12 h 28 min on 24 August 2014

    I am sending my condolences to the family, friends and the entire journalist. J foley will remain our hearts for his generous & human dedicstions. As far as death is invetible this will not stop us supporting the voiceless. James your left us good memory.

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