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Ouachita County Med Center Refuses Emergency Health Services to Afghanistan/Iraq War Soldier

Last updated: Aug 09 2011 2:05pm cst

Publisher's Note: This is the plea of my Facebook friend Barbara Season Hammonds. Her anger is the righteous anger reserved for a mother.  If this isn't enough, it is the anger that we all feel when we see those that put themselves in harm's way, protecting our way of life treated inappropriately. Please read her accounting of developing events and check-in often, as we certainly intend to follow-up on this story on a regular basis. E Pluribus Unum. Out of Many, ONE.

Last night at Ouachita County Hospital in Camden Ar turned down my son who is a Soldier . His unit sent him there for his ear that was hurt on his 2 week summer camp training . The Doc said I'm not gonna check him out ! Would not give a reason . The phone number is (870)-836-1000 if anyone wants to call .It's a sad day when a soldier get turned away ! My son is also an Iraq vet!

Facebook Snapshot Time- 6:18am cst

Barbara Season Hammonds
Ouachita County Medical Hospital turned down a soldier 2day ! My son was sent there by his unit for his ear that was hurt while on active duty & they REFUSED HIM !
Sunday at 9:51pm ·  · 
  • You and 4 others like this.
    • Christine Conlon thats BS..for what reason?
      Sunday at 9:53pm · 
    • Barbara Season Hammonds They wouldn't give him a reason , Just said that they wasn't going to check him out & wouldn't send him to another Doc
      Sunday at 9:57pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Reed Alsip Sorry to hear that, your son deserves better.
      Sunday at 9:58pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Pete Mosley That sucks!!!!!!
      Sunday at 9:59pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Thank you Reed . Our soldiers should be treated better . I'm going to contact the main office in the morning .
      Sunday at 9:59pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Christine Conlon Is there anything his unit commander can do? This should piss everyone off. If you want us to pursue this matter just say the word & I'm sure a few posts will get the Patriots blood boiling enough to make it go viral.
      Sunday at 10:00pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Barbara Season Hammonds He is gonna call his unit in the morning but yes please do .
      Sunday at 10:01pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Andi Hancock girl i took my mom there 15 yrs ago for high blood pressure and they told her to breathe in a paper bag, she died 2 weeks later
      Sunday at 10:02pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Its sad that we can ask our Soldiers ( our Kids ) to go do a job & thy go all over the world & back & get treated like trash .
      Sunday at 10:03pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Ya Andi I remember hearing that
      Sunday at 10:04pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds I want every one to know how they treat our soldiers . My son also served in Iraq .
      Sunday at 10:06pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Christine Conlon Just posted..Hope they flood them with calls letting them know just how we feel about our soldiers!
      Sunday at 10:07pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Dawn Johnson Pence They can't legally turn down anyone - federal law!
      Sunday at 10:12pm ·  ·  1 person
      Sunday at 10:13pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds They don't care about anyone
      Sunday at 10:14pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Thats what I told him & he said Mom they turned me down ! I'm calling the main office in the morning & his unit . This shit aint right
      Sunday at 10:15pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Don Fitzgerald Notify your local tv station, newspaper and congressman person.
      Sunday at 10:19pm ·  ·  3 people
    • Barbara Season Hammonds I'm doing that 1st thing in the morning . I don't know why the female doc wouldn't even look at him . I'm trying to find out her name now
      Sunday at 10:20pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Sheila Pierce Gardner that is so sad.
      Sunday at 10:29pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Velma Leinenweaver Ensey Oh my GOD!!!!!!!
      Sunday at 10:30pm ·  ·  2 people
      Sunday at 10:42pm ·  ·  3 people
    • Marty Arthur 
      Yet those illegally in this country get free healthcare including organ transplants, chemotherapy, dialysis, delivery of children while illegally in the US, all paid for
      by struggling taxpayers denied the same care because they are unable t...See More
      Sunday at 11:09pm ·  ·  4 people
    • Sue Lumley Quenzer Sorry to hear this ... Everyone deserves better especially our soldiers :(
      Sunday at 11:30pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Thank all for your kind words about our soldiers , I always say that our soldiers are the very best of us . I'm going to push this not just because it was my son but because it was a soldier & I'd be just as mad if it were are soldier I didn't know.
      Yesterday at 4:41am · 
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Marty Arthur As I have told you before thank you for your service to our Country & for my personal freedom ,, People like you make this the best place in the world to live . You have been a trusted friend for a few years now . I have alot of love in my heart for our soldiers . It's sad that they get treated the worst .
      Yesterday at 4:44am ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds The phone # for the Ouachita County Hosp is 870-836 -1000 head person is David Cicero If anyone wants to make calls . Like I said I'd be just as mad if it was a soldier I didn't know .
      Yesterday at 5:06am · 
    • Ean Lee Bordeaux http://www.ouachitamedcent​ Let them know how you feel...
      Thanks to a new telemedicine program that links that emergency room doctors at O...See More
      Yesterday at 5:22am ·  ·  1 person · 
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Thank you
      Yesterday at 5:23am ·  ·  1 person
    • Ean Lee Bordeaux ‎...Roger...
      Yesterday at 5:25am ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds I don't know how to post this to my profile will you post it ? So it will be on the top of my page .
      Yesterday at 5:26am ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds 
      Ok just got a call from the Hospital by a Mrs. Abbott she is working on what happen to my son last night in the Er . She was very sorry for what happen & said that they will get to the bottom of it . She then asked if she could talk to my s...See More
      Yesterday at 10:40am ·  ·  1 person
    • Ean Lee Bordeaux http://corruptionsucks.blo​​-county-hospital-refuses.h​tml I'M SURE THIS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THEIR CHANGE OF "HEART".
      Yesterday at 1:10pm · 
    • Barbara Season Hammonds I bet it did lol . Because the lady said they had gotten over 700 emails about it & Some one posted what I posted from facebook & your blog Thank you so much .
      23 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Ean Lee Bordeaux STILL we must have an explanation or it should NOT be over.
      22 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Angie Meeks Schanzlin That's stupid. Why would they refuse him?
      15 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Marty Arthur I am so happy your son will be taken care of Barbara. Just a shame it took hundreds of emails to force the hospital to do the right thing. Have fun camping and best wishes to you, Jimmy and the family always.
      14 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Ean Lee Bordeaux Your right it's not over . Just like I told the Mrs Abbott we want to know why
      9 hours ago · 
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Angie Meeks Schanzlin We don't know why it was the female Doc in the Er she only works the week-ends . Anthony went in to get treatment & she refused to treat him . I believe she is a military hating bitch . Just what I think .
      9 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds Marty Arthur Thank you , Your advice about it was very helpful . Thank you for your service to . Everyone Marty is a Vet also & one of my very best friends . He was 1 of the 1st friends I made on here . When my son was in Iraq he helped me so much . He is a very Important person . Thank you He said he would take me now just gotta pin point a date with all my different Doc visits .
      9 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Ean Lee Bordeaux Shane Deitert is news director over at Fox. A friend and a great guy. I just posted this to his wall. I hope he follows up on the story because it certainly is far from over in this camp.
      5 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Angie Meeks Schanzlin I would report her if I was you!!!
      4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Barbara Season Hammonds We did Angie , It made me so dang mad . I called the state medical board to
      54 minutes ago ·  ·  1 person



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