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Police Officer Fired For Racial Slurs: COMMENTS & REACTIONS

UPDATE: As of Tuesday on August 24, 2010, Officer David M. Edgmon has been fired from the 
Little Rock Police Department 
for racial slurs.

Publisher's note:
"Call one of us Creole Indians a Jigaboo to our face you "pseudo-freedom of speech" idiots-WE would consider it "incitement to violence".

Inciting to violence.

(A) No person shall knowingly engage in conduct designed to urge or incite another to commit any offense of violence, when either of the following apply:

(1) The conduct takes place under circumstances that create a clear and present danger that any offense of violence will be committed;

(2) The conduct proximately results in the commission of any offense of violence.

(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of inciting to violence. If the offense of violence that the other person is being urged or incited to commit is a misdemeanor, inciting to violence is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the offense of violence that the other person is being urged or incited to commit is a felony, inciting to violence is a felony of the third degree.

Of course this is in the south – Arkansas. His mother says "he's really a good guy who made a mistake". No, when you are an officer of the law, using racial slurs is not simply "a mistake". You are not just a person when you are a cop, you represent the government. The government can't be calling people racial slurs. You lose. No donut for you, racist. No cop job for you. You should not be a cop anywhere else ever again. Get a clue, Cheryl Edgmon.
This is why cops are arresting people for videotaping them — they don't want the truth to come out.
And the asshole is wasting even more taxpayer money by appealing his firing: Hey, if YOU got fired, would YOU be able to have a taxpayer-funded appeals process? No, didn't think so. The system protects its own — which allows racism to continue to flourish.

He does have the right to appeal Police Chief S. Thomas' decision to separate him from the LRPD to the Civil Service Commission. 
We intend to be there.

Does your cop daddy know that you're runnin' around Little Rock 
with a drunk-ass bigot mouth? Do you not realize that every non-white 
person that you bust or have busted,  has a case against you now?  
YOU ARE BIASED at the very least.
ACCORDING TO THE URBAN DICTIONARY: A "Jigaboo" is...(click this link)

(read article & rest of comments by clicking here)

My THV Comments:

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OK, which one of you called your boss a jerk??
8/30/2010 8:33 PM CDT on
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sirtomofpike wrote:
I'm just glad I am not in the media, a politician or government employee, because I use the "N" and "J" words like my wife uses "Whatever" every other time she replies to me. I was raised up saying those words, I like using them and as long as their is a First Amendment to the Bill of Rights, I will continue to use them in my daily vocabulary. I could care less who likes it by the way ,'-)
8/30/2010 8:29 PM CDT on
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Arkbeliever wrote:
wolfman105 he might have been off duty but he identified himself as a cop and showed his badge. That changed things.
8/30/2010 6:14 PM CDT on
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WorkintheHood wrote:
If you only knew what these Men and Women put up with on a daily basis. You guys that did the filming, in the street we call that being a rat. I hope you feel good about yourselves because you are just as racist as any remark this man made!
8/30/2010 5:54 PM CDT on
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Did he really not think he was going to be a YouTube star? You can tell he knew he was being videoed. Does he get double stupidity points for saying what he did when he knew he was being filmed? LR police don't exactly have the best reputation in the world. It would be nice for them to go above and beyond in the professionalism department to change that image.
8/30/2010 5:53 PM CDT on
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wolfman105 wrote:
ok, the man was off duty...OFF DUTY!
8/30/2010 5:05 PM CDT on
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Germs wrote:
Dude had a few drinks and made an off the coller remark(s), has nothing to do with hypocratc oaths (like a doctor) nore does it mean he physically slammed an idiot at the office and should be terminated. If we where held accountable for every thing we said shoe's would be falling outta our mouths. Secreatly taping someone and posting it on U-tube in a snap shot should not be a character destroying event. or maybe Im wrong.
8/30/2010 4:43 PM CDT on
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maningray wrote:
Law enforcement officers take an oath to act properly on or off duty. Some of us take that oath to heart.that doesn't say you can't go out and have a drink it means don't go out and act stupid.After all we are in the public eye 24-7.If he'll do it drunk he'll do it sober.We are also expected to set a good example for everyone.Think about it.If an officer gets a DWI then what gives him the rights to stop another for DWI?
8/30/2010 4:21 PM CDT on
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lawtalkinguy wrote:
OK people: 1st amendment protects your right to free speech. BUT, if your speech is offensive, other people are free to react to it. For example, if you call your boss a jerk, you'll probably get fired - you have the right to say it, but there's consequences for your speech that don't involve censorship.
8/30/2010 3:31 PM CDT on
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Germs wrote:
Amigo had a bad day and chica will miss him for the three weeks it takes to scurry back to Arkansa.hola!
8/30/2010 3:31 PM CDT on
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Lumberman_63 wrote:
He sould have been fired long ago...
8/30/2010 3:29 PM CDT on
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IVY-mike wrote:
What took so long.
8/30/2010 3:27 PM CDT on
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Geez, try to steal a laptop while on duty and working a B&E call, steal a purse, and now getting drunk and uttering a word that people don't agree with...
Being a cop ain't as fun as it used to be...
8/30/2010 3:23 PM CDT on
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fullasass wrote:
What a moronic thing to do. If he's that stupid he's got no business in the cop business.
8/30/2010 3:20 PM CDT on
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gurrando3a6 wrote:
A cop is supposed to be smarter than the folks he was referring to.I don't feel sorry for stupid.
8/30/2010 3:19 PM CDT on
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arkgl01 wrote:
I think he should have been in trouble but not fired... Put him behind a desk for a year and i bet he would never do it again. I have had employees do really stupid stuff and after being in trouble they end up being pretty good employees. Its just a fact no matter what your job is every now and then your going to do something stupid. I bet we all have opened our mouth before and wish we could have taken it back...
8/30/2010 3:18 PM CDT on
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Germs wrote:
I guess if your a police officer you can have no freedom of speech even off duty, lets run'em all off for being individials.
8/30/2010 3:13 PM CDT on
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hmmt225 wrote:
Bubba_Jo, Chris Rock and Al Sharpton have more power than some drunk cop in Arkansas. Not in the same line of work, but it doesn't mean that their influence does not reach the wrong types of people or have the same consequences. JMHO
8/30/2010 3:04 PM CDT on
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Bubbha_Jo wrote:
"Chris Rock, among others, make racial slurs all the time. Even Al Sharpton has made racial slurs. " And what are their positions in the area of law enforcement, which equates to power over others???? Try again.
8/30/2010 2:47 PM CDT on


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