Attempts to rally 'racial loyalties' in support of corrupt black LR police chief are laughable at best
'RACIAL LOYALTY'- LOL...MY CREOLE-INDIAN ASS... STREET FACTS: The Little Rock Black Police Officers Association (LRBPOA) REFUSED to support, then Asst. Chief, Eric Higgins, for chief of police until he had convinced me to remove an article critical of one of their members from my anti-corruption blog. Eric Higgins also confronted head mercenary cop and current Little Rock Asst. Chief of Police, Wayne Bewley for allowing his racist mercenary cops to harass me and my business in the River Market. He asked Bewley, "Why are you giving the hot dog man a hard time?" Captain Wayne Bewley replied, "He's got that blog!" I'm more than positive that Sheriff Higgins will back my reporting of the incident under oath and penalty of law. Please feel free to ask him. Eric Higgins was passed over (2nd time) for the Little Rock Chief of Police position and the city hired corrupt outsider Kenton Tremar Buckner, with the LRBPOA's blessings. They later sued Bu...