Feckless Little Rock, AR Mayor exploits & appropriates New White Panther Party social action to save face.
The Feckless Mayor exploits social action to save face. LR Parks & Rec employees remove the sole confederate statute on city owned land in darkness Russ Racop June, 19, 2020 For the last three years, Ean Lee Bordeaux (publisher of Corruption Sucks Blog ) and I attempted to work with the city manager and city attorney to and get the sole confederate idol on city of Little Rock owned land in MacArthur Park removed. You can view our post from August 2017 by clicking here . Issues with an agreement the city entered into with the State of Arkansas to obtain $100,000.00 to replace a rotting porch on the Military Museum proved to be a hurdle to overcome as it requires to State of Arkansas to agree to the removal of the confederate idol. We even encouraged departing Mayor Stodola in his last appearance at a Little Rock Board of Directors meeting to used his last two weeks in office to get the confederate idol r...