Little Rock School District claims that they did not give records to ICE Agent - Video from school indicates otherwise.
Little Rock School District claims that they did not give records to ICE Agent - Video from school indicates otherwise. LR Central High School employees cooperate with ICE Agent's request for student records On Thursday August 8th, posts on social media claimed an ICE agent was at LR Central High School trying to obtain student records. Social media posts similar to this were heavily circulated on August 8th LRSD was flooded with calls and emails about the incident. LRSD was quick to state that the "purported" ICE agent was sent packing and no records were provided. What about information on Asian, Black or White students Ms. Rousseau? And so a press release was issued. We were able to obtain a copy of the videos sent to LRPD. The video below show the ICE Agent flashing credentials to CHS office personnel. Apparently the ICE agent requests information about a student and an employee goes and retrie...