RECORDS SHOW THAT MAYOR SCOTT LIED ABOUT PAYMENT TO FIRM CONNECTED TO A STAFF MEMBER IN APRIL MAYOR SCOTT SAID THIS RECORD DID NOT EXIST WHEN WE SENT A FOI REQUEST FOR IT For someone that campaigned on transparency, our autocratic, feckless and frightened mayor has proven that was all talk. "I AM THE CEO AND CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS FOR THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK" The latest proof of that came to light this week. In a response to this FOI request... Scott provided a response and we were surprised to discover the purchase order that was for the Critical Incident video. We were surprised because we made a documented and recorded verbal FOI request way back on April 9th seeking records regarding the cost to the city for the critical incident video (for the police shooting in late February) that was produced by the marketing company, The Design Group, which Mayor Scott stated he used during his campaign for office. The city via it's FOI coordinator...
Anti-Corruption Blog of the Ancient Creole Houma-Choctaw People | Member of Snarky Media Group