GOOD JIM CROW RIDDANCE: LRPD Police Chief Stuart Thomas Ean Lee Bordeaux THE PROBLEMS THAT YOU HAVE PERPETUATED WILL OUTLIVE YOUR MEDIOCRE LEGACY - FACT: I have had a meeting with almost EV ERY city official of relevance in this city over the past 13 years of service committed. The only person ever to successfully avoid "granting" me a meeting? Little Rock Police Chief Stuart Thomas. He avoided me like the plague and reacted like I just kicked him all up in his Good 'ol Boy ass, every time I had the "nerve" to speak to him when we, "ran into each other". Bye Stuart. You were close to the worst. MY 13 years watching the results of your leadership in these streets sez so. 100. You are a product of your upbringing and southern-fried, antebellum culture. Retire dear Jim Crow era dinosaur. The problems that you have perpetua...
Anti-Corruption Blog of the Ancient Creole Houma-Choctaw People | Member of Snarky Media Group