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Showing posts from January, 2014

RICO: Corrupt Former Detective Sgt. Jeff Plunkett seeks help from state- *DENIED*

Even the President of The United States is aware of Little Rock Corruption... AND Corruption Sucks Blog... Visitor Analysis & System Spec Search Referral Time:   (Encrypted Search) 19  Dec  2013  11:48: 14   AM Blog Name: Corruption Sucks Blog Browser: Chrome 31.0 IP Address: —  [Label IP Address] Operating System: Win7 Location: Washington, District Of Columbia, United States Resolution: 1680x1050 Returning Visits: 0 Javascript: Enabled Visit Length: 15m 26s ISP: Executive Office Of The President Non-Resident mercenary cop, corrupt River Market Sergeant seeks help from Arkansas State Attorney-Denied Pictured: Crooked Former Detective & River Market Cop Jeffrey Plunkett under corruption investigation against the Houma-Choctaw People.  Little Rock Police Resident And Nonresident Employee List  This list reveals which personnel work within Little Rock but doesn...


Genuine "Officer's Discretion"

Publisher's note:  A GENUINE "OFFICER'S DISCRETION": a couple of weeks ago I witnessed one of the good Little Rock River Market cops exercise true "officer's discretion" (as opposed to the preferential treatment of Traffic Judge Fleming during a recent head-on collision). I certainly would've given that young lady a DWI just for attempting to drive drunk. This cop made sure that the drunk's car was in park and cal led her father (a local preacher). Dad picked her up, brother drove the car and everyone got an earful for about ten minutes prior to their respective departures. That was true officer's discretion at play, so let's not dilute a "good" thing with Good 'Ol Boy bullcrap that amounts to nothing but blatant cronyism LRPD, indeed. Proper use of discretion is probably the most important measure of a police officer or department. A police officer working the street would be like a dog chasing its tail if that...