AMERICAN EUGENICS SOCIETY 1922-1994 Copyright Feb. 3, 1993 Katharine O'Keefe (rev. December 8, 1993 ver. 6.8) CONTENTS OF AMERICAN EUGENICS- The Book 1. Introduction 2. American Eugenics Society Goals 3. Background Information Tables 4. Members' Activities A. Key to Abbreviations B. Officers C. Directors D. Members 5. Index Why this book? This book documents the means by which eugenic goals have been introduced into the mainstream of American intellectual and political life, and the extent to which this mainstreaming has occurred. Eugenics is a concept familiar to Americans as an overarching policy consideration of the Third Reich. "Eugenics" subsumes such notions as racial purity, racial superiority, and the heritability of intelligence, virtue, or vice. Although Hitler is its most notorious proponent, eugenic thinking has been a prominent strand in Western intellectual history since the 1860's, when Darwin's disciple, Francis G...