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Showing posts from December, 2010

Little Rock Appeals Racist Cop Reinstatement- Protest Music Video Launched

Little Rock Appeals Racist Cop Reinstatem ent- Protest Music Video Launched

CAUGHT ON VIDEO:Officer's Van Thomas & "Wayne" Cox Civil Rights Violators

CAUGHT ON VIDEO:  Police Brutality- Officer Van Thomas & Shannon "Wayne" Cox Violating Homeless Handcuffed  Man  Claude Akins' Rights. On February 26, 2010, a crooked cop named Police Officer "Wayne" Cox Employee #24505 received a disposition notice on how the Little Rock Police Department decided to handle a case in which this dirty cop simply stood-by and allowed a prisoner, within his legal custody, to be rammed into a jail house window so hard as to actually BREAK the security glass. He found out that all he was to receive was a simple "slap-on-the-wrist".  This "slap", equated to a violation of  Section 1/4002.00: "Officers shall not engage in any conduct which constitutes conduct unbecoming an officer or neglect of duty. As well as-   Section 1/8003.00: "Officers shall be truthful at all times, whether under oath or not, when conducting official police business." H...

Not a racist, KKK costume a mistake, says former cop who wore blackface

Not a racist, KKK costume a mistake, says former cop who wore blackface  Campbellford, Ont.— The Canadian Press Thursday, Nov. 04, 2010 12:26PM EDT A former police officer who donned blackface for Halloween as was led around on a rope by a friend dressed as a Klansman says it was a stupid mistake. Terry Nunn says he is in "no way, shape or form” a racist and neither is his friend Blair Crowley. The two won first prize at the Royal Canadian Legion Halloween party in Campbellford, Ont., Saturday night for their outfits.  MORE RELATED TO THIS STORY Ontario Legion branch shut down after KKK Halloween costume debacle KKK costume at Legion Halloween party disgusts many in Ontario town Mr. Nunn tells Toronto radio station AM640 that he doesn't believe in the Ku Klux Klan and he's surprised someone complai...

Hat's off to Max Brantley RE: Memories: The land of cotton

Posted by  Max Brantley  on  Tue, Dec 21, 2010  at  6:34 AM Max Brantley Editor, Arkansas Times The New York Times  writes further today about  Haley Barbour's  fond memories of the  White Citizens Council,  an organization well-remembered in Arkansas for  Jim Johnson's  membership and use of the specter of sexual race mixing as a potent political tool. It interests me because Barbour is three years older than I am. It's true, as he has been quoted, that times weren't "that bad" for me, either. But I was white. Those "reserve the right to refuse service to anyone" signs still hanging in restaurants in my southern hometown then didn't apply to me. The invitation-only high school Christmas dance included my name on the guest list because I was white. None was sent to a black student. Barbour has been quoted as saying the South was largely integrated by the time his generation came of age. Really? Maybe Y...

SBA Unveils New Website and Launches SBA Direct

SBA Unveils New Website and Launches SBA Direct - A New Tool Delivering Personalized and Targeted Resources Demonstrates Agency’s Commitment to Transformation – Giving Small Business Owners Quick and Easy Access to the Resources they need to Succeed and Create Jobs WASHINGTON – As part of the U.S. Small Business Administration’s mission to ensure that small business owners and entrepreneurs have access to accurate, timely and helpful information, SBA Administrator Karen Mills today unveiled a newly re-designed SBA website. The new site also features the launch of SBA Direct, a dynamic new web tool with a variety of personalization features that will help small businesses start-up, succeed and grow. “With the launch of the new, we have reached a significant milestone in how the agency has evolved in using interactive web tools, social media and blogs to engage with, and better meet the needs of small business owners,” said SBA Administrator, Karen M... One Hundred Naked Citizens: Leaked TSA Body Scans

One Hundred Naked Citizens: One Hundred Leaked Body Scans At the heart of the controversy over "body scanners" is a promise: The images of our naked bodies will never be public.  U.S. Marshals  in a Florida Federal courthouse saved 35,000 images on their scanner. These are those images. A  Gizmodo  investigation has revealed 100 of the photographs saved by the  Gen 2 millimeter wave scanner  from Brijot Imaging Systems, Inc., obtained by a FOIA request after it was recently revealed that  U.S. Marshals operating the machine  in the Orlando, Florida courthouse had improperly- perhaps illegally -saved images of the scans of public servants and private citizens. We understand that it will be controversial to release these photographs. But identifying features have been eliminated. And fortunately for those who walked through the scanner in Florida last year, this mismanaged machine used the less embarrassing imaging ...